
Posts Tagged ‘fairies’

In the course of human events….

there comes a time when a project does not turn out quite the way you like. And I’ve said this before…

Howl’s Lair (the post linked above) was more of a failure in being very different from my vision of what I wanted to make–and I learned from that. By now I know how to create what I was going for then, and am thinking of trying it, actually.

This time as I watched the colors spinning out, I thought…Uh-Oh.

Spinning Up

That didn’t look like it was going to ply nicely Navajo style at all. I was already inserting sections of purple, and tried to put it between the dubious green-purple mud between the bright green and dusty purple of the roving. This worked…to an extent.

some dubious color combos visible...

The theme I had in mind was The Perilous Gard–a story tying in themes of Tam Lin, set in Elizabethan England where the Folk under the Hill are literally living in a tunnel system carved out by an underground spring, right by the old manor. The Halloween deadline for the tiend, tithe the heroine is wanting to prevent makes this actually still fit the theme, though it’s got splashes of brighter color than I realized.


The Dancing Tree

Sorry for the huge full-view…but not that sorry. It’s kind of really interesting to look at, strand by strand! Taken together it looks better than I thought it would, though the abrupt changes due to the Navajo plying surprised me, and still are not quite what I would have wanted. But I’ve got a feel for the process now, and how that plying process affects the look of colors on a roving like this.

It will be good to have practiced before doing the Phoenix yarn I want to create this way. It will be a more specific progression, so I think it will be less complex, but it’s also good to know how the colors get flipped with the looping… (Sorry. If you don’t know what Navajo plying is you’re probably lost–it involves making a single strand a cascading series of slip-knots that twist up with the strand-tail, and then making a new loop…)


the backdrop got obscured, but here it is...

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faerie wing

Pressed Fairy Wing: Steam Fairy by silhaya09

Rook Candle Holders by WolfCreekmil

Avast Heaving! journal necklace by TheBlackSpotBooks

alice magnets

Alice - magnet set

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I have found my home on Ravelry: Folklore and Fairy Tales.

This group is really active in a cohesive way: every season they have a read-and-knit-along with a certain fairy tale and its retellings, and they have themed swaps. The fantasy buffs there are articulate, friendly, and capable of silliness. Which is the best one can look for on Internet communities. I love it!

This summer they’re doing A Midsummer Night’s Dream, as the theme. This sparked off a great idea for using a beautiful roving I got as a gift…

a gluttony of fiber-kinds

a gluttony of fiber-kinds

It *was* awesome.

But it wasn’t mine yet. And with Puck on the brain, I decided to add a little chaos.

The Stuff

The Stuff

One strand is just the roving by itself, but the other has bits of greens, pinks, purple, and bright blue. Since the original roving had glitz, blue-string junk, natural off-white wool, and cotton or silk or mohair or bamboo, but most likely some combination, it’s a sort of whimsical yarn.

bright chaos

bright chaos

My literary theory behind this “Puck” is that Robin Goodfellow, though established as a prankster who amuses Oberon, is the only one in the play operating without motive, without blindness caused by fairy mischief (received or inherant). He’s the stable force in a crowd of madness.

“Believe me, king of shadows, I mistook” he says when his dispensing of the potion to the wrong couple is found out. The plea is sincere, concerned.

Puck ~ Agent of Good?

Puck ~ Agent of Good?

This is one of those yarns I got tired of before I finished it–the hand-selecting of the colors does that. It doesn’t flow, it chugs… But that’s what I like to have made, so I guess I’ll just have to keep chugging away.

I carded up some pink stuff that will be a little alike, but I already added my own touch. It will be less labor-intensive, yea-yah!

That will be somehow dedicated to the other fairies. I’ll be watching for a clever title on this reread…


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